
Arthritis Resources Put You in Control

Always remember that YOU are the most important member of your care team. In addition to our Ask the A-Team presentations, the information below can take you a long way toward understanding your arthritis and living better!

Mayo Clinic

All three of our physicians have received specialty training at the renowned Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, so the following links include information that’s trustworthy and consistent with their training.

Mayo Clinic Disease and Conditions Guide | Database of conditions such as arthritis and gout, including symptoms, causes, risk factors, etc.

“Mayo Clinic on Arthritis: How to Manage Pain and Lead an Active Life” | Practical, state-of-the-art knowledge on how to reduce the pain and disability of arthritis.

“Mayo Clinic Guide to Pain Relief: How to Manage, Reduce and Control Chronic Pain” | Based on take-charge approach practiced at Mayo’s Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center.

Self-Management Resources

Use the following resources to find exercise programs, medical equipment, health-tracking tools, classes and workshops to help you live healthier and feel better.

Arthritis Foundation | A variety of useful, practical resources about understanding and living with your arthritis.

Your Exercise Solution | More than 4,000 exercises matched to you.

Arthritis Resource Finder | Find physical therapy, medical equipment, etc.

Better Living Toolkit

Better Living Toolkit | Includes Health Tracker for tracking symptoms and general better well-being.

Better Choices, Better Health® or Healthier Living With Ongoing Health Problems (Internet Chronic Disease Self-Management Program) | Online workshop with trained facilitators covers exercise, medication, diet, etc.

City of Lincoln Aging Partners | Armchair tai chi, yoga, balance exercises, etc., offered at Fitness Center.

Special Diets for Less Pain and Inflammation

That old aphorism, “You are what you eat,” is certainly true for those living with arthritis. Choosing the correct diet can be a simple — and even delicious — way to manage self-care!

Arthritis Foundation, “Anti-Inflammatory Diet”

Healthline, “The 10 Best Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis”

Mayo Clinic, “Gout Diet: What’s Allowed, What’s Not”

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