
A rheumatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of patients with arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, characterized by inflammation or pain in muscles, joints or fibrous tissue. A Board Certified Rheumatologist is a physician who has completed four years of college plus four years of medical school, one year of internship, two years of internal medicine residency and at least two additional years of intensive subspecialty training in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic disease.

All of our physicians have received specialty training at the renowned Mayo Clinic, and have passed comprehensive examinations in Internal Medicine, and the subspecialty of Rheumatology, to become board certified.

The Arthritis Center of Nebraska team includes several Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. Each of these accomplished medical professionals has achieved a master’s degree, additional certification, and a wealth of experience in their respective fields. All provide outstanding patient care through examination, diagnosis and treatments, under the supervision of staff physicians.

Meet our Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioners.
